Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Week 3: Thing #8

I commented on this post. I read that Ning was going away and was surprised to read her post about Ning, so I commented.

Week 3: Things #7 and #8

I have subscribed to a couple of feeds.  One in particular is the Tech&Learning feed.  It gives me regular updates on news and discoveries in the technology world related to education.

Week 2: Thing #5

My Trading Card!

Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Week 2: Thing #4

I found this image on Flickr and thought it to be appropriate in my exploration of the Web 2.0 tools. I grew up in Cape Town, South Africa and wanted to see how it looked now. I lived there when I was in grade school (30 YEARS AGO). The scenery is still incredibly beautiful.
Click the picture to go to Flickr page